
PrussiaXReader- When Normal Isn't Enough 1

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Wintry-Fire's avatar

Literature Text

The lyrics to your favorite song played through your head as you lie in bed. You held the slip of paper that had on it the name of a handsome guy and a phone number that corresponded with it. You were debating in your mind whether or not you should call him or wait for him to call you. As you bore the numbers into your brain you heard the buzzing of your phone on the table that stood by your bedside. It didn't last long, so you figured someone must've texted you.

You picked up your phone and dropped the paper onto your stomach, glancing at the time before checking to see who it was from. It was noon, about lunch time. It would be nice to get something to eat. You turned on the screen to your phone and navigated to your inbox, opening the message received only seconds ago. There was a number showing who it was from. A number that matched up with the one on the small paper. It was from Gilbert.

It read "Meet me at the bar" with a winky face next to it. You felt excited and threw your phone into your pocket along with your wallet and made your way to the front door. You saw your roommate plopped across the couch with the tv on. You hoped that she would be too distracted by it to notice you were leaving. You took hold of the doorknob and twisted it open quietly, taking one step to the world outside.

"It's awfully strange for you to be leaving the house without me telling you to," your roomie teased as she sat up and peered over at you. "Where you off to?"

You pivoted around to face her, not wanting to tell her where you were actually going so she wouldn't bug you about it. "Just going to the park. No biggie."

"Oh? So you wouldn't mind if I tagged along with you then?" she leaned towards you, knowing you were hiding something from her.

"Um, actually I'd prefer to be alone. I need some time by myself that's away from home," you lied. "Maybe next time."

Closing the door behind you, you quickly high-tailed it back into town. You stopped a small ways away from the bar to regain your breath. You hid yourself behind a corner and tilted yourself over so you can take a look. You had to make sure that this wasn't some scam. You searched the area out front of the bar, and there he was. You knew it was him from his silver hair, pale skin, and crimson orbs. You gathered yourself and took a deep breath before striding over to the man outside the bar.

"Good afternoon," you smiled, feeling nervous that you were alone with him. Like a date. "I see you made it home safely last night, haha."

"Ja, I could say the same to you," that recognizeable smirk grew on Gilbert's face. "Glad you could make it here. Vhat do you say ve go have some lunch? You hungry?"

"I'd be happy to. Where do you suppose we eat?" you looked around at the small cafés that surrounded you.

"Vhy not come to my house? Mein bruder has a friend who brought over a bunch of pasta recently. So ve von't have to pay for anyzing," he set a hand on your shoulder.

His house?! He can't be serious! We only just met last night!! "Sure!" you heard yourself reply, letting his good looks distract you from saying no. Dammit why did I say that?! But it was too late and he was already pulling you by your forearm over to a shiny car that was parked along the roadside.

"Awesome car, right?" he chuckled, releasing your arm and hopping into the driver's seat.

You jumped into the passenger seat, which was made out of genuine black leather. It wasn't bad either. Very comfortable for a seat in a car. You buckled in and took in how nice this car was. It was very shiny and clean on the outside. It was a black Volkswagen W12 Coupe. One of those nice German cars that only people with a lot of money could afford. Was this guy rich?

"(f/n)?" Gilbert nudged your arm with his elbow. The car was already running.

"Oh...yeah!! This car is awesome! You don't see one of these every day," you ran your fingers over the dash, the quality of the car was way better than you thought just by looking at the pictures in the magazines and on tv.

"Zhat's because I am awesome! Don't tell me zhat you forgot already!" he put the car in motion and the two of you were heading towards his home.

"No, of course not! So, um. You live with your brother?" you tried to bring up something to talk about so there wouldn't be an uncomfortable silence in the car.

"Ja, but don't vorry. He von't be home vhen ve get zhere. He's vith Italy and Japan today,"  Gil's eyes stayed focused on the roadway, which was something you admired since not a lot of people kept their focus on the road so much anymore while they drove cars.

Worried? Why would I be worried if his brother was there? I guess he just wants us to be alone...And again with the countries. I still don't understand it. "Oh, is that right? I feel weird asking this, but is this a date?" you sweatdropped and looked out the window.

"Vhat else vould it be? If ve vere just hanging out I vouldn't of came here alone you know," you now felt his red orbs piercing into the back of your head. "Is zer a problem vith zhat?"

You shook your head and met his gaze. "No, not a problem at all. I uh...I'm really looking forward to it."

"Good. Because I vas hoping ve could get to know each ozer more today."

You nodded in agreement and couldn't think of anything else to talk about. You didn't quite yet want to question him about this whole country thing. The topic would hang in your mind until you found the right moment to ask him what he meant by calling people by the names of countries. You sighed and studied him carefully without really noticing it.

*Minutes later*

The car pulled into the driveway out front of a nice house. It was much nicer than the one you've been living in and you couldn't wait to see what it was like on the inside. You flipped your (h/c) hair out of your face as you stepped out of the vehicle, watching your head for the upward opening door.

He led you into his home through the garage and to the kitchen where he pulled out a seat for you. You gratefully sat down in said chair and he pushed you as close to the table as was necessary. He pushed a chair out across from you for him to sit in, as he made his way over to the cabinets to prepare the food.

"Vhat vould you like to drink? Ve have plenty of beer and some vater. I'm sorry it's not much, but you're awesome enough to deal vith it, right?" he opened up the fridge and took out a beer for himself.

"That's fine. I guess I'll have a beer too," you clasped your hands together on top of the table. He really likes the word awesome. And I can say he's pretty nice too.

A moment later you and the albino were munching on some spaghetti that "Italy" had brought over earlier that morning before he left with this "Germany" person for their morning training. Turns out they get a lot of this kind of food from him all the time because this is all he makes.

You twirled some noodles around your fork and took a bite, wiping any excess sauce off your face with a napkin. Gil was only a few feet away slurping his noodles into his mouth, and at times sloshing some beer down his throat. You would occasionally look up and watch him, and sometimes catch him doing the same to you. You pretended not to notice and continued eating with a few sips of beer between bites. It wasn't really silent between you two, but it wasn't quite a talking atmosphere. Both of you were hungry so you might as well eat first before engaging in conversation.

When your plate was halfway cleaned Gilbert finally spoke up and the sudden chat made you twirk your head up from your plate. You swallowed your food and cleaned your face once more so you could listen to what he had to say.

"So, tell me about yourself (f/n)," he began, insisting you talk to make this date more entertaining.

"Oh, to start I can say that I was born in America. I stayed there until I finished college and decided to move here, in Germany, with my friend," you took a few gulps of beer. "You want to take turns?"

"Sure. I'll start by saying zhat I'm different than probably anyone you've ever met. But please, I hope you von't zink of me differently after I tell you," he paused for a while. "You probably von't believe me, but I'm not human. I'm ze personification of Prussia."

"But you're still a person so I don't see what's wrong with that. But there's more like you isn't there? I've noticed you mentioning them before. There's one for each country, right?" you could now ask him whatever you wanted about this certain topic since he told you about it himself.

"Ja, you catch on fast. Now it's your turn to say somezing," he finished his spaghetti after finishing his sentence.

"Well, my birthday is coming up next week. It's on the twelfth. On Friday," you smiled as you poked your fork into the pasta again for another bite.

"Oh, is ze awesome me invited?" you knew he was joking but he sure didn't look like he was.

"Only if you get me something awesome~" you went along with it before you finished your plate. "Your turn Gilbert."

"Kesese! I zink you can figure out ze rest yourself. You know your history, don't you?" he stood up and picked up the empty plates and placed them in the sink. You also rose to your own feet and leaned against the counter with your beer in hand.

"Right. I can play at that game too you know. You'll have to spend more time with me if you want to know more," you felt your lips form into a grin. You know, this is kind of fun. Being with someone other than my lazy roommate all the time. And a hot guy at that.

"I guess I have no choice zen," he chuckled. "Stay here for a while."

You shrugged, feeling that staying longer wouldn't hurt. Yes, your friend that lived in the same house as you would once again wonder why you've been out so long, but she'd eventually find out what you've been doing. You also felt like staying longer, just so you wouldn't have to go back to being that same bored person that always lays in bed listening to music, reading magazines, and surfing the web on a laptop.

Time went by, you and Gilbert spending most of it taking a tour around his house. You even went outside for a while to observe the outer parts of it. After the tour ended you were sitting next to him on the edge of his bed in his room. His room was especially your favorite, since you found out that he liked a lot of the same things you did. He was definitely into making things look awesome, which in fact, they did. In yours and his opinion.

You also had learned a lot about these country personifications. Gil had told you about each of the ones on the Allies and Axis, and said one day he'd bring you to meet them all if you'd like. You thought it sounded like a good idea and you told him to surprise you with the exact date.

You got to know him very well in one day and you enjoyed every minute being with him. You could also tell that Gil enjoyed your company as well. It was just like the past, when you were having fun with your friends. But this time there was something that felt different than being with just friends. How could you have this much fun with just one other person?

You heard some chirping in the room, which confused you for a second. "Am I hearing things? I just heard a bird chirping in here."

"Oh haha. I forgot to introduce you to my pet, Gilbird. Let me get him out for ya," Gilbert walked to the other side of the room and let a small yellow bird perch on his hand. He brought it back over to you and it flew onto your shoulder.

"Aww, what a nice little bird. He's so cute!~" you put your finger in front of Gilbird's small talons and it hopped onto it. You moved your hand in front of your face and lightly pet its feathers with your free hand.

"He likes you. Zhat tells me somezing else about you," Gil leaned back onto his bed beside you and sighed, saying something to himself.

"That I'm awesome, I'm guessing?" you looked over at him with a slight smirk of your own.

"Maybe, I don't know," he returned a smile.

"Yeah, I think that's it," you giggled and set Gilbird on his chest from off the back of your hand. That's when his hand collided with yours, bringing it into a firm grip of interlacing fingers. Your cheeks grew a little red, but you weren't the only one. Gil sat up straight, causing Gilbird to fly away and land safely atop his head.

"N-No one's more awesome zhan me u-unless I say so, got it?" he stuttered, his blood-red orbs staring into yours.

"I-If you say so. I was just...." you trailed off. What is this feeling? My stomach feels weird, and my heart is beating way too fast. What is this? "You..."

"H-hey look at the time. It's getting late how about I bring you home now?" he took his hand back and looked at the clock on his desk.

You followed his eyes over to the clock, which said 4:57 pm. It's not that late...but I don't want to inconvenience him. "Oh yeah, look at that haha...I guess it's time for me to go home, huh? I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Nein..I have some zings to do with mein bruder..." Gil exhaled and seemed upset.

"Aww...." you complained. "Today was fun though. Maybe some other day then."

"Ja. Let's get going now. I'd like to be gone vhen Vest gets back," he headed to the door and you got up to follow him.

*Outside Your House*

"I'm sorry if my directions were bad...I don't know much about this area," you exited his car and he walked you to your front door. You didn't know if you were seeing things or not, but you swore you saw the curtain by the front window move as you approached the building.

"It's okay. You vouldn't mind if I text you later vould you?" he scratched the back of his neck.

"Of course not. It's perfectly fine with me," you stopped and faced him when you were right next to the door. "Thanks for lunch today. And for spending time with me. I had a great time."

You pulled out your keys to the house and fumbled with them in your hand, expecting your door to be locked.

"You're welcome. It vas my pleasure," a grin spread across his face. He turned to walk back to his car. "Gute nacht."

"Night Gil," you inserted the key into its place on the door and unlocked it before being welcomed home by your crazy friend.

"Soooooo~" she sat you down on the couch. "Who's the lucky man?"

"His name is Gilbert. Stay out of my business," you stood back up and went straight to the fridge for a snack. It's been hours since you ate lunch, but you were too lazy to make yourself some dinner.

"Where'd he take you today? By the look of his car he must've of brought you somewhere fancy!" she followed you around to get you to tell her everything.

"What did I just tell you? And no, we were just at his house, that's all," you popped a potato chip into your mouth.

"You went to his house?! You didn't do anything weird there did you?" she snatched the bag of chips out of your hand.

"Why would you think that? You know me better than anyone else, and that is something I wouldn't do on the first date!!" you fast-walked to your room in disbelief, locking yourself in and throwing yourself down in your bed face first.

Then your phone vibrated in your pocket, waiting for you to pick it up and answer the message you just received. Knowing who it was, you removed it and peeked at what the message said.
Sorry for the wait.
And if I made Prussia a little OOC here...
I'm still sort of in Writer's Block....again
It's kind of lengthy I hope you don't mind that.
I did my best!

Hetalia and Prussia (c) Himaruya-san
You (c) Prussia?

Chapter 2-->[link]
© 2012 - 2024 Wintry-Fire
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anakind87's avatar
One reason why I don't have a room-mate.